
Navigating the New Financial Year: Top Telecoms Tips for your Businesses

As we power into the new financial year, it’s a time for reflection, planning, and setting strategies for success. With the ever-evolving landscape of technology and business, it’s crucial for companies to stay ahead of the curve, especially in areas like telecoms, which are integral to modern operations. Here are some top tips as you embark on the journey of the new financial year to optimise your telecom strategies.

1. Review and Update Telecom Contracts

Take this opportunity to review your telecom contracts with a fine-tooth comb. Are you getting the best value for your money? Is there anything that needs renegotiation? With telecom technology evolving rapidly, it’s essential to ensure that your contracts align with your current needs and budget.

2. Embrace Cloud Telephony Solutions

If you haven’t already, consider migrating your telephony infrastructure to the cloud. Cloud-based telephony offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional on-premises systems. Whether it’s VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) or UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service), embracing cloud telephony can streamline communications and enhance collaboration within your organisation.

3. Prioritise Cybersecurity Measures

With the prevalence of cyber threats, safeguarding your telecom infrastructure against potential breaches should be a top priority. Invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data transmitted over your networks. This includes implementing encryption protocols, conducting regular security audits, and educating employees about best practices for data protection.

4. Leverage Data Analytics for Insights

Explore how data analytics can provide valuable insights into your telecom usage patterns and expenses. By analysing call data records and usage statistics, you can identify areas for optimisation and cost savings. Additionally, data analytics can help you make informed decisions about future telecom investments and upgrades.

5. Optimise Mobile Connectivity

In today’s mobile-centric world, optimising mobile connectivity is essential for business success. Evaluate your mobile plans and consider whether they meet the needs of your workforce. With remote and hybrid work becoming increasingly common, ensuring seamless connectivity for employees on the go is paramount.

6. Stay Compliant with Regulatory Changes

Keep abreast of regulatory changes in the telecom industry, especially concerning data privacy and telecommunications regulations. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines and reputational damage. Regularly review your telecom practices to ensure compliance with the latest legal requirements.

7. Invest in Employee Training

Provide comprehensive training to your employees on how to effectively utilise telecom technologies and tools. From using collaboration platforms to troubleshooting common issues, empowering your workforce with the necessary skills can enhance productivity and efficiency across your organisation.


As we embark on a new financial year, optimising your telecom strategies can play a crucial role in driving growth and success. With telecoms serving as the backbone of modern operations, adopting a proactive approach to telecom management can yield significant benefits in the long run.

With free start up and refresher training for all our customers, regular service reviews and a constantly expanding portfolio of services, Deep Blue are here to support you on each step of your journey. not already a Deep Blue customer? Speak to George to see what we can offer you and your business.


The Hidden Threat: Protecting Your Business from Phone Hacking

When we hear the term “phone hacking,” our minds often conjure images of tabloid scandals involving celebrities and politicians. However, what often goes unnoticed is the alarming trend of criminals targeting businesses by hacking into their phone systems. The repercussions of such breaches can be financially devastating and even have ties to organised crime and terrorism.

The Reality of Phone Hacking

Criminals exploit vulnerabilities in a company’s network to illegally route calls, often to premium-rate numbers, generating revenue at the expense of the hacked organisation. These attacks frequently occur during off-hours, such as weekends or holidays, to evade detection. The financial impact can be staggering, with affected businesses facing average call charges of £10,000 or more.

High-Profile Cases and International Crime Rings

High profile cases cases over the years have exposed the global reach and sophistication of phone hacking operations. In the United States, an international criminal gang illegally routed calls through over 2,500 PBX systems, resulting in losses to the affected companies of $55 million. Even institutions like New Scotland Yard have fallen victim to these attacks, highlighting the indiscriminate nature of the threat.

Legal and Financial Implications

Many businesses are unaware of their liability for charges incurred during these hacks. Reclaiming stolen funds can be a lengthy and arduous process, further exacerbating the financial strain on affected organisations. It’s imperative for victims to report incidents to the authorities, including regulatory bodies like Ofcom and Phonepay Plus.

Mitigating the Risk

While the threat of phone hacking looms large, there are proactive steps businesses can take to reduce their vulnerability:

  1. Strengthen Security Measures: Implement robust password protection for all network access points, including voicemail services. Regularly update passwords and avoid sharing them among employees.
  2. Utilise Call Barring Features: Evaluate your business’s need for premium-rate or international calls and consider implementing call barring features to restrict unauthorised usage.
  3. Stay Vigilant: Monitor call traffic volumes closely and utilise multi-level monitoring systems that can detect suspicious activity and automatically apply outbound call barring when necessary.

Deep Blue’s Commitment to Security

At Deep Blue, we prioritise the security of our customers’ communications. Through strategic partnerships and advanced monitoring systems, we offer additional layers of protection against phone hacking and other cyber threats. Our dedicated support staff are available to address any concerns and provide tailored solutions to safeguard your business.


Phone hacking poses a significant threat to businesses of all sizes, with potentially devastating financial and legal consequences. By understanding the risks, implementing proactive security measures, and partnering with trusted providers like Deep Blue, businesses can mitigate the threat and safeguard their communications infrastructure. Don’t wait until it’s too late – take action today to protect your business from the hidden dangers of phone hacking.


The Importance of Disaster Recovery: Safeguarding Business Continuity with Deep Blue

In the unpredictable landscape of business, one thing is certain: disasters can and do happen. Whether it’s a natural calamity, a technological failure, or unforeseen circumstances disrupting operations, the aftermath can be devastating.

According to staggering statistics, approximately 80% of businesses affected by disasters either fail to recover or close within 18 months of reopening. Furthermore, the average downtime for a business to resume operations after a disaster is 9.4 days. These figures serve as a stark reminder of the critical importance of disaster recovery planning for all businesses.

At Deep Blue, we understand the paramount significance of preparing for the unexpected. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of products and services designed to facilitate swift and effective disaster recovery measures. Our solutions are crafted to be implemented quickly and seamlessly, ensuring minimal disruption to your business operations.

One of the key features of our disaster recovery arsenal is the ability to set up automatic failover mechanisms through the Horizon and InBound platforms. In the event of a disruption to your normal communication channels, our systems can seamlessly divert to predefined failover options, such as a mobile or alternative number. This ensures continuity of communication even in the face of adversity.

Moreover, our invoked plans empower businesses to proactively manage crises by enabling rapid response strategies. For instance, if your office becomes inaccessible due to factors like severe weather conditions, roadworks, or strike action, you can effortlessly reroute calls to alternative sites or numbers with a few simple clicks. This level of agility can be instrumental in mitigating the impact of disruptions on your business operations.

For customers utilising our Horizon or InBound-Contact Pro services, we offer the added benefit of setting up staff or service user emergency numbers. This invaluable tool allows you to disseminate critical information to your workforce or customers during emergencies, such as flooding or heavy snow. By recording pertinent messages on the emergency line, employees can ascertain the operational status of your site before attempting to commute, thereby ensuring their safety and well-being. This is a great option for schools or fitness studios to inform parents or clients if they are open.

Disaster recovery measures are not merely about mitigating risks; they are about safeguarding the continuity and resilience of your business. In today’s environment, where unforeseen challenges abound, being prepared is non-negotiable. Floods, snowstorms, roadworks, and other disruptions pose significant threats to business continuity and profitability. However, with our feature-rich hosted telephony solutions, you can rest assured knowing that your business is equipped to navigate through adversity.

Don’t wait until disaster strikes to take action. Contact Deep Blue today at 0333 240 9100 for a comprehensive review of your company’s disaster readiness. Let us help you fortify your business against the unknown and ensure that you emerge stronger and more resilient in the face of adversity. Remember, when it comes to disaster recovery, preparedness is the ultimate key to survival.


7 Essential Steps to Handle an Employee Departure with Ease

Employee turnover is an inevitable part of running a business, but it doesn’t have to be a chaotic or costly ordeal. Whether an employee leaves on good terms or not, it’s crucial to have a plan in place to safeguard your business operations. Here are seven tips to help you navigate through the process smoothly and minimise any potential disruptions.

Update Contact Information and Systems

Ensure that all contact information associated with the departing employee, such as phone numbers and email addresses, are updated promptly. Redirect calls from their direct dial-in (DDI) numbers and adjust any hunt groups they were part of to prevent missed communications. Understanding how to manage these changes on your telecom systems is key to maintaining seamless connectivity.

Manage Email Access

Changing passwords for email accounts that the departing employee had access to is vital for data security. However, shutting down email addresses abruptly can lead to missed opportunities or communication breakdowns. Consider using email forwarders and autoresponders to redirect emails to appropriate recipients and inform contacts about the change in contact details.

Review Infrastructure and Security Settings

If the departing employee had a role in managing technical systems or IT infrastructure, conduct a thorough review of these systems. Update login details, review user permissions, and audit security settings to prevent unauthorised access. Staying proactive in managing these aspects can help safeguard your business from potential risks.

Monitor Online Portals

With the increasing trend of remote work, online portals have become essential for business operations. Take the time to review and update access permissions for these portals to ensure only authorised personnel can access them. Maintaining the integrity of these systems is crucial for protecting sensitive data and maintaining efficiency.

Inform Suppliers and Partners

Communicate with suppliers and partners to inform them of the employee departure and provide them with updated information for their new point of contact. Building strong relationships with suppliers is vital for the continuity of your business operations, and keeping them informed fosters transparency and trust.

Provide Training for Succession

Prepare for the transition by arranging training sessions for incoming staff members to familiarise them with their new roles and responsibilities. Offering refresher courses or specialised training can empower employees to step into their new positions confidently. Investing in employee development ensures continuity and minimises disruptions during transitions.

Plan a Farewell Celebration:

Recognise the departing employee’s contributions and celebrate their time with the company by organising a farewell gathering. Whether it’s a formal send-off or a casual gathering, expressing appreciation for their efforts fosters a positive workplace culture.


Handling an employee departure can be a challenging time for any business, but with careful planning and proactive measures, it can also be an opportunity for growth and continuity. By following these seven steps, you can protect your business from potential disruptions and ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved.

As business communication specialists, Deep Blue Telecom is here to support you through every step of the process. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help streamline your communication and infrastructure needs.


Love Without Boundaries: Keeping the Number You Love in the World of Telecoms

As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air, and for many of us, that love extends beyond the human realm to the digital connections that keep us linked. In the world of telecommunications, there’s a unique love story that often goes unnoticed—the bond between individuals and their cherished phone numbers. Let’s explore the importance of holding onto the number you love, even when life takes you to new places or prompts changes.

  1. A Love that Transcends Boundaries: Your Phone Number In the realm of modern communication, a phone number is more than just a string of digits—it’s a personal identifier, a virtual address, and often a repository of memories. Whether it’s the number you’ve had since you first got a phone, one that holds sentimental value or a core part of your brand identity, the connection is real.
  2. The Challenge of Moving On: Relocating Without Losing Your Number Life is dynamic, and changes such as moving to a new location or switching telecom providers used to pose a threat to the continuity of your cherished phone number. However, there are now more options than ever to ensure that your number stays with you through thick and thin.
  3. Porting Your Heart: How Number Portability Saves the Day Number portability, the ability to keep your phone number when switching service providers or moving to a new location, is the unsung hero of the telecom love story. This feature allows you to maintain that special connection, regardless of where life takes you. Say goodbye to the fear of losing touch with the number you hold dear.
  4. Ceasing the Line, Not the Connection: Keeping Your Number Alive Even if circumstances, like the PSTN switch off, lead to the termination of your current phone line, it doesn’t have to mean the end of your connection. Deep Blue offers a range of solutions to ensure that your number continues to ring true, even if it’s no longer tied to a physical line.
  5. A Love That Evolves: Embracing New Technologies Just as love grows and evolves, so does technology. Embrace new possibilities in the world of telecoms. Consider Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services that allow you to have a virtual number that’s not bound by geographical constraints.

As you celebrate love this Valentine’s Day, remember that the connection you share with your phone number is a unique and enduring one. With the power of number portability and evolving telecom technologies, you can ensure that the number you love stays with you, no matter where life takes you. So, here’s to a love that transcends boundaries, even in the digital realm! Happy Valentine’s Day from Deep Blue!


Answering the Call: The Crucial Role of Telecoms in Unlocking Sales and Elevating Customer Service

In today’s digital age, the importance of telecoms to sales and customer service cannot be overstated. The ability to communicate quickly and efficiently with customers is crucial for any business that wants to stay competitive and succeed.

Telecoms refers to the technology used for communication over a distance, and it includes a wide range of technologies such as telephones, mobile devices, email, messaging apps, and social media platforms. These tools have become essential for businesses that want to build strong relationships with their customers and provide them with high-quality service.

Here are some reasons why telecoms is important for sales and customer service:

Improved Communication

Effective communication is essential for any business, and telecoms provides a wide range of tools to help businesses communicate with their customers. These tools enable businesses to interact with customers in real-time, providing instant feedback and resolving issues quickly

Increased Efficiency

Telecoms tools can help businesses to streamline their sales and customer service processes, saving time and resources. For example, a company can use a customer relationship management (CRM) system to manage customer interactions, track sales, and monitor customer feedback. Wallboards can enable team leaders to keep track of performance and divert resource where it is needed. Enhanced call stats allow for better planning of staff levels and break times so you can respond to your customers needs.

Better Customer Experience

The quality of customer service is a key factor in retaining customers and building loyalty. With the right telecoms tools, businesses can provide fast, personalised service that meets the needs of their customers. This can include offering multiple communication channels, providing 24/7 support, and using auto responders to reply to initial customer inquiries and get them through to the right people.

Improved Sales Performance

Telecoms tools can also help businesses to improve their sales performance. For example, a sales team can use video conferencing tools to conduct virtual meetings with clients, allowing them to showcase products and services and answer any questions in real-time. Similarly, a company can use social media platforms to engage with potential customers and build brand awareness.

In conclusion, the importance of telecoms to sales and customer service cannot be overstated. By leveraging the right telecoms tools, businesses can improve communication, increase efficiency, provide a better customer experience, and improve their sales performance. As such, investing in telecoms technology should be a priority for any business that wants to succeed in today’s market.


Dialling into Success: The Strategic Advantage of Telephone Numbers in Marketing Campaigns

In the fast-evolving landscape of digital marketing, it’s easy to overlook the enduring power of direct communication. While email, social media, and other online channels play crucial roles, integrating telephone numbers into your marketing campaigns can be a game-changer. Here are some compelling reasons to embrace this timeless approach:

1. Establishing Personal Connections:

In an era dominated by virtual interactions, a phone call adds a personal touch that resonates with customers. It humanises your brand, fostering trust and credibility. A genuine conversation can leave a lasting impression that transcends the transactional nature of online communication.

2. Real-Time Engagement:

Telephone numbers provide a direct line to your audience, enabling real-time engagement. Whether it’s addressing customer inquiries, providing instant support, or conducting surveys, the immediacy of a phone call can significantly enhance customer satisfaction. Time-sensitive promotions or announcements can be communicated swiftly and effectively.

3. Targeted Outreach:

Leveraging telephone numbers allows for more precise targeting. By segmenting your audience and tailoring your messages, you can ensure that your marketing efforts reach the right people. This targeted approach not only maximises the impact of your campaigns but also minimises the risk of your messages being lost in the noise.

4. Building Customer Relationships:

A phone call is an opportunity to engage with your customers on a deeper level. By actively listening to their needs and concerns, you can gather valuable insights, strengthen relationships, and adapt your marketing strategy accordingly. Building a rapport through direct communication is a powerful way to create loyal customers who feel heard and valued.

5. Amplifying Marketing Strategy:

Integrating telephone numbers into your marketing mix adds a versatile tool to your arsenal. Whether used in conjunction with other channels or as a standalone method, phone interactions can amplify the effectiveness of your overall marketing strategy. It’s about embracing a holistic approach that meets your audience where they are.

6. Boost your analytics

Utilising different numbers gives you realtime insights into where your customers are coming from. Know which campaigns are getting noticed, see which platforms are getting your message out. Prioritise resource where it is needed.


In a digital age marked by constant innovation, the simplicity and effectiveness of a ringing phone should not be overlooked. Incorporating telephone numbers into your marketing campaigns can be a strategic move to stand out in a crowded digital landscape. It’s about more than just reaching your audience; it’s about making a lasting connection that transcends the virtual realm.

Deep Blue offer a range of virtual number solutions, giving you a cost effective way to amplify your marketing. From local to non-geo, consecutive to one off we can get you the number you need. Couple it with a hosted service like Horizon or InBound to benefit from indepth call stats, including wall board integration, and real time data. Call today on 0333 240 9100.

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Christmas Closing and Handy Tips

To assist in your forward planning and avoid delays during our busy period, please see below our December opening hours:

  • Friday, 22nd December – Closed from 12pm
  • Monday, 25th December – Closed
  • Tuesday, 26th December – Closed
  • Wednesday, 27th December – Closed
  • Thursday, 28th December – Closed
  • Friday, 29th December – Closed
  • Monday, 1st January – Closed
  • Tuesday 2nd January – Open as usual from 9am

During the festive shut-down, EMERGENCY SUPPORT is available. Please call 0333 240 9100 to leave a message and a member of our team will be in touch.

There is no time like the ‘present’

It’s the time of year when staff holidays, festive shutdowns, and events start to fill up your diary. It’s worth thinking about what days and hours your office will be open.

  • What will you do when the office is closed?
  • Will you send calls to voicemail, leave a message to say you are shut, or do you need to divert your calls for emergencies?
  • Have you thought about how you will notify your customers of your festive opening hours?
  • Will your staff be working from home?

Many of our services offer a range of options to manage your calls during this time. Some, like InBound and Horizon can even have schedules created so that numbers divert automatically. See our guide for help with setting up schedules in Horizon and Inbound here

Our staff will be happy to talk to you about your options for managing your calls over the holidays. We also understand that you can’t always deal with these things by yourself, which is why we are always happy to help you pre-programme any changes.

Broadband slower than normal?

Christmas lights are a must to bring a little sparkle to the festivities, but did you know this could affect your broadband?

Stay safe from scams.

Telephone scams target both business and residential customers. Check out our top tips to help you stay scam safe.

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Switch Off Stress: Deep Blue Telecom’s Solutions for a Seamless Transition

As the UK prepares for the traditional switch-off of phone lines, many businesses find themselves facing a daunting challenge: how to smoothly transition to modern digital communication systems without causing disruption or stress. The answer lies in the expert guidance and tailored solutions of Deep Blue Telecom.

Understanding the Traditional Switch Off

The traditional switch-off marks a significant milestone in the evolution of communication technology. It entails the discontinuation of old-fashioned telephone phone lines in favour of more efficient and versatile digital alternatives. While this transition promises enhanced capabilities, it can also bring about stress and uncertainty for businesses that rely heavily on their existing systems.

Deep Blue Telecom’s Expertise in Transition

Deep Blue Telecom has been a trusted name in the telecommunications industry for years, helping businesses embrace new technologies while ensuring a seamless transition. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to make the switch-off a stress-free experience.

1. Tailored Transition Plans

We understand that no two businesses are alike, which is why we offer tailored transition plans. Our experts will assess your current communication infrastructure and business needs, crafting a bespoke strategy that ensures a smooth switch to digital systems. This means minimal disruption to your operations and peace of mind during the transition period.

2. Business Continuity Assurance

One of the primary concerns during the switch-off is maintaining business continuity. Deep Blue Telecom offers robust business continuity solutions, including disaster recovery plans and backup options. These measures guarantee uninterrupted connectivity, even in the face of unexpected challenges.

3. Scalability and Flexibility

In a dynamic business environment, adaptability is key. Our services are designed to scale with your business, accommodating growth and changes in demand. Whether you need to expand your communication capabilities during periods of growth or make adjustments during economic challenges, Deep Blue Telecom’s solutions provide the flexibility your business needs.

4. Proactive Support

Our commitment to your success goes beyond the initial transition. Deep Blue Telecom provides proactive support and training and with our assistance, you’ll always have the support you need to stay connected.

5. Cost-Effective Solutions

We understand that budget constraints are a reality for many businesses. That’s why Deep Blue Telecom offers cost-effective communication solutions that deliver exceptional value without compromising on quality. Our goal is to help you achieve a seamless transition without breaking the bank.

The traditional switch-off may present challenges, but with Deep Blue Telecom as your partner, you can overcome them with confidence. Call 0333 240 9100 or visit www.deepbluetelecom.co.uk to explore our tailored communication solutions and discover how we can help your business make the transition smoothly, without the stress.

Don’t let the switch-off disrupt your operations; let us ensure a seamless and stress-free transition to modern communication systems. Your journey to a more efficient and connected future starts here.

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Christmas Call Plans on Horizon and Inbound


Use Call forward and Divert options to send calls to mobiles. Set up Voicemail to email alerts so you get copies of your Voicemail messages sent to your email for you to listen to where ever you need to. Use the Hunt Group schedule facility to plan your call plans in advanced.

Horizon Call Forward Hunt Group

Send calls to your mobile or home phone using the Hunt Group Call Forward options. Go to Call Groups>Hunt Group, click Edit next to the Hunt Group you wish to forward. To send calls directly to your Divert number, go to Advanced Settings and use the call forward option (make sure to hit Save whenever you make changes!).

To forward to another number after first ringing on your Horizon handsets go to Options and Use the Forward after x seconds option.

Voicemail to Email Hunt Group

Receive an email notification whenever someone leaves you a voicemail, including the date, time, callers number and a copy of the recording. Go to Call Groups>Hunt Group and click edit next to the number you wish to make changes to. Go to the Voicemail tab tick the box for ‘Notify me at this address’, type the address you wish the email to be sent to and click save.

Hunt Group Schedule

Add Christmas Holidays into your call Schedule. Under Advanced settings, click Edit Next to Schedule, then click the plus sign next to Additional Routing.

Name your Schedule and click Create. On the Add Event screen give your event a name and specify the start and end dates (these are displayed in month/day format). If you untick the box marked All day event you can specify your start and end times.

Once you have set your date and time you can then click create. You can add further events by clicking on Add event again. Once all your events are created, close the window. Finally, click Save.

Not sure

Just email details of the dates, times and forward number to theteam@deepbluetelecom.co.uk with the subject Christmas Holiday Horizon Call Plan and we will set it up for you.


Create a Christmas Holiday call plan using the date and time control nodes to send calls where you need them, when you need them. Add in a Divert node to build additional destination numbers if your main destination is busy or unavailable. Use the ‘Schedule Activate Option’ so you can build your Call Plan in advanced, knowing it will activate when you need it to.

InBound Date and Time Control Nodes

These nodes allow you to set different termination points on different days and at different times (e.g. one for Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and one for evenings and weekends). When you add these nodes into a call plan two boxes appear, one called control and one called default. Click on the control box to specify certain days and times and then drag a destination node onto the box to specify your termination number. Drag a destination node onto the control box and any days/times not listed on the control box will follow this routing.

InBound Divert Node

This allows you to set alternative destinations if a destination number is busy, not answered or suffering from a network error. Simply drag a divert node onto a destination node and then add destinations for each of the three options.

InBound Schedule Activate

Once you have built your call plan, instead of clicking Activate, click Schedule Activate. In the window that appears specify the start date and time for this call plan then click Done. Your call plan will appear as if it is already active but if you go back to the call plan list it will show your call plan with the date and time it is due to activate next to it.

Not sure

Just email details of the dates, times and forward number to theteam@deepbluetelecom.co.uk with the subject Christmas Holiday Inbound Call Plan and we will set it up for you.