The Hidden Threat: Protecting Your Business from Phone Hacking

When we hear the term “phone hacking,” our minds often conjure images of tabloid scandals involving celebrities and politicians. However, what often goes unnoticed is the alarming trend of criminals targeting businesses by hacking into their phone systems. The repercussions of such breaches can be financially devastating and even have ties to organised crime and terrorism.

The Reality of Phone Hacking

Criminals exploit vulnerabilities in a company’s network to illegally route calls, often to premium-rate numbers, generating revenue at the expense of the hacked organisation. These attacks frequently occur during off-hours, such as weekends or holidays, to evade detection. The financial impact can be staggering, with affected businesses facing average call charges of £10,000 or more.

High-Profile Cases and International Crime Rings

High profile cases cases over the years have exposed the global reach and sophistication of phone hacking operations. In the United States, an international criminal gang illegally routed calls through over 2,500 PBX systems, resulting in losses to the affected companies of $55 million. Even institutions like New Scotland Yard have fallen victim to these attacks, highlighting the indiscriminate nature of the threat.

Legal and Financial Implications

Many businesses are unaware of their liability for charges incurred during these hacks. Reclaiming stolen funds can be a lengthy and arduous process, further exacerbating the financial strain on affected organisations. It’s imperative for victims to report incidents to the authorities, including regulatory bodies like Ofcom and Phonepay Plus.

Mitigating the Risk

While the threat of phone hacking looms large, there are proactive steps businesses can take to reduce their vulnerability:

  1. Strengthen Security Measures: Implement robust password protection for all network access points, including voicemail services. Regularly update passwords and avoid sharing them among employees.
  2. Utilise Call Barring Features: Evaluate your business’s need for premium-rate or international calls and consider implementing call barring features to restrict unauthorised usage.
  3. Stay Vigilant: Monitor call traffic volumes closely and utilise multi-level monitoring systems that can detect suspicious activity and automatically apply outbound call barring when necessary.

Deep Blue’s Commitment to Security

At Deep Blue, we prioritise the security of our customers’ communications. Through strategic partnerships and advanced monitoring systems, we offer additional layers of protection against phone hacking and other cyber threats. Our dedicated support staff are available to address any concerns and provide tailored solutions to safeguard your business.


Phone hacking poses a significant threat to businesses of all sizes, with potentially devastating financial and legal consequences. By understanding the risks, implementing proactive security measures, and partnering with trusted providers like Deep Blue, businesses can mitigate the threat and safeguard their communications infrastructure. Don’t wait until it’s too late – take action today to protect your business from the hidden dangers of phone hacking.

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