The next Deep Blue Networking Group

We’d like to take this opportunity to invite you along to our next Deep Blue Networking Gig to be held at The Blues Bar in Harrogate on Tuesday 6th December, 2011 @ 6.00pm and sincerely hope you can make it – the first drink will be on us and nibbles supplied for your sustenance!

If you’ve not attended one of these events before, you’ve not lived man. There is no pressure to sell or present, just the opportunity to meet local business leaders in stress-free surroundings with live music and hospitality. The good bit is………………….these same business guru’s will supply the entertainment from 7.30pm.

More information can be found on our website at:

Sign-up if you haven’t already done so on Linked-In:

Or, our Face Book Page: Deep Blue Networking: Business and Bands

Please feel free to extend this invitation to anyone you know in business who you think may be interested in attending – the more the merrier!