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Stop Sell September

Whilst there’s a chance of sounding repetitive, it’s essential to highlight the forthcoming PSTN stop sell. The PSTN, or Public Switched Telephone Network, has served as the backbone of our telephone and broadband connections in the UK for many years. However, its days are numbered, and a transition away from it is on the horizon. Although the complete switch-off won’t occur until 2025, significant changes are just around the corner and these will affect you at the office and at home.

It’s all change

The initial phase of the PSTN switch-off involves the stop sell of services that rely on the network. This means traditional analogue telephone services (landlines) and broadband services like ADSL and FTTC will no longer be available.

You might think, “We’ve heard this all before,” and you’d be right. However, as the PSTN stop sell date approaches, it’s essential to grasp the implications.

No New Sales

For those seeking a new broadband or telephone connection, whether you’re changing providers, renewing your contract, or relocating, you’ll no longer be able to purchase any service that utilises the copper telephone network. This includes standard broadband and fibre to the cabinet options, as well as landline telephone connections.

No Changes

Even if you’re already using copper-based broadband or telephone services, making changes to your existing plan will become impossible. That means no speed upgrades or switching to a different provider. Furthermore, repairs on the copper network will decrease, potentially leaving you without service in case of a significant fault.

What else could be affected?

If you’re relying on services tied to the PSTN, such as connected alarms and CCTV, be prepared for potential disruptions. These services will need to be transitioned to the new all-digital network infrastructure.

Thankfully, service providers like Deep Blue have been diligently working to make the transition from copper services as seamless as possible. Our advanced connections utilise the UK’s fibre network and will keep you connected long after the PSTN is retired. Additionally, you’ll have access to a new form of telephony known as Digital Voice, which leverages VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology for internet-based phone calls.

If you haven’t received information about upgrading your services or want to explore your options further, call our team on 0333 240 9100 and explore Deep Blue’s broadband and Digital Voice pages. Embracing the transition now will ensure you continue to enjoy reliable and up-to-date communication services.

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